
New, Edit, Void Supplier

New Supplier

Lets you add a new suppliers contact details. Make sure you link your suppliers contact details to their price list rates in the SoloAssist Price List. Also, connect your accounting system in the SoloAssist Home (menu) then import your suppliers contact details from the Suppliers Settings, Import from MYOB or Xero feature.

Edit Supplier

Opens the selected Suppliers contact details to view or edit. Double-clicking on a suppliers contact details will also open it.

Void Supplier

Voids the selected supplier/s. If you have voided a supplier and need to un-void them, you will need to go into the Suppliers Settings and select Show Group for Voided Suppliers. This will then show in the Supplier view as Voided Suppliers group. Then open the suppliers contact details and change the Suppliers Group name from Voided Suppliers to the suppliers group required.

Supplier Group
This is the Supplier Group you want the new supplier contact details allocated to.

Contact Details
These are the suppliers contact details. They can be used for Purchase Orders, Work Orders, Quote Requests, Sub-Contractor Variations and Expense Invoices in Cost Control.

This is the suppliers primary contact address.

Price List Link
This links the supplier contact details to your Price List supplier name. It automates the supplier details with their price list rates and item codes, to appear on Purchase Orders, Work Orders, or Quote Requests.

Sent Plans


Selecting Sent Plans and Quoted, helps you track which suppliers you have sent the jobs plans or documentation to and received a quote back from.

Bank Details
This is the suppliers pay to Bank Account details for their job expense invoices.

Public Liability Insurance
This is the suppliers current Public Liability Insurance policy details.

Workers Compensation
This is the suppliers current Workers Compensation policy details.

This is your XERO or MYOB supplier connection details. Ensure it's linked to the correct supplier name and expense account.

User Tip

Ensure your XERO or MYOB supplier details, have their expense accounts allocated.