Xero Connection

When first connecting SoloAssist to Xero, it will not automatically send all your existing expense invoices from SoloAssist to Xero. If you need your expense invoices sent to Xero, you can either open each expense invoice and send them in one by one, or you can select the Send To option in the toolbar. This allows you to send multiple expense invoices as a bulk export. Before sending your expense invoices into Xero, always check the information in each is correct first.

Xero Login

Open the SoloAssist software Home menu, select Add-Ons, then select the Xero Connection button.

Enter your Xero Login email address.

Enter your Xero Login Password.

Once you have entered both the email and password, click Connect. If your details were validated by Xero, it will say:

Xero Connection Successful.

Once your Xero Connection is successful, your Organisation name from Xero will appear here automatically. If you have multiple Organisations setup in Xero, you can use this drop down list to interchange the Organisation with its Tracking Category (Job #) you want SoloAssist connected to.

When connecting to Xero, it allows you to select the Organisations you want connected. Only then will they show in your Organisation drop-down selection. Once you have activated the Xero Organisations in SoloAssist, it doesn't allow you to disconnect them.

Tracking Category
If you have setup a Tracking Category in Xero, it will appear here automatically. For a building & construction business, commonly the Tracking Category name will be Job #. Make sure your Xero and SoloAssist Job # (numbers) are the same.

Job # Naming Tips

  • We recommend naming your Job # number from the site address.
  • Always use alphabetical characters first, then numbers. This helps with name searching.
  • Relate it to the job. This makes it easy to remember.
  • It needs to be unique for each job.
  • Keep it short, otherwise it won't fit into small field sizes.


Job #: NEW126 (= 126 Newberry St)

Job #: HUR43 (= 43 Hurston Bridge Rd)

Help Centre

This opens the SoloAssist Help Centre to the topic you are currently in.

Import Suppliers

From Xero to SoloAssist
In the Suppliers view Settings, you can import your Xero Supplier contact details into SoloAssist. When importing your Suppliers, each Contact will need to be allocated to a SoloAssist Supplier Group.

User Tip: Make sure your Supplier Contact details in Xero, are filled out correctly with an Expense Account allocated before importing to SoloAssist.

Learn more about Suppliers Settings

Expense Invoices (single)

Send Expense Invoices

from SoloAssist to Xero

SoloAssist Expense Invoices = Xero Purchase Invoices

From the Cost Control view, you can add Expense Invoices against the jobs Cost Centre budgets. In the Add Expense Invoice window, it allows you to send your suppliers invoice details to Xero, by selecting Send to Xero.

User Tip: If you're applying part payment of an Expense Invoice, do not mark the SoloAssist Expense Invoice as Paid. Once you have paid the Expense Invoice Total Balance, only then should you mark it as Paid. This will allow you to resend the invoice with a different amount. But once you have marked it as Paid in SoloAssist, you cannot send back into the same purchase invoice in Xero. It will then create a duplicate invoice in Xero for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th payment.

Learn more about Expense Invoices

Expense Invoices (multiple)

Send Multiple Expense Invoices

from SoloAssist to Xero

From the Cost Control view using the Send To button option, you can send multiple Invoices into Xero all at the same time. This option allows for collating invoices together that have been split up between multiple Cost Centres so they will send to Xero as a single purchase invoice.

Expense Invoices (resend)

Resend Expense Invoice
You can only resend an invoice into Xero from SoloAssist if the invoice has not yet had a payment applied against it in Xero. If the invoice has a payment applied against it, you will need to delete the payment of this invoice in Xero before resending.

Sales Invoices

Send a Sales Invoice

from SoloAssist to Xero

This feature is not yet available. This feature will allow you to send your Progress Payment Sales Invoices to Xero from SoloAssist as you raise them. It will be able to apply payments to Sales Invoices and send to Xero from SoloAssist. Keep an eye on the SoloAssist Roadmap and Latest Updates in the What's New heading in the side menu.

Credit Note

Credit Note (CN)
Credit notes will need to be entered manually into Xero.

Purchase Orders

Send Purchase Order

from SoloAssist to Xero

This feature is not yet available. This feature will allow you to send Purchase order to Xero from SoloAssist as you raise them.

Employee Labour

This feature is not yet available. Keep an eye out on our Roadmap and Latest Updates in the What's New.

User Tips

This green tick means the Invoice has been Sent to Xero ().

This red cross means the Invoice has not been Sent to Xero ().

You can change Sent to Xero () to Unsent to Xero () by right clicking your mouse cursor on Sent to Xero () in the Expense Invoice edit window in Cost Control.

Be sure to set up your Xero Connection in SoloAssist, otherwise, you will not be able to use any of the Xero features.

Make sure you allocate an Expense Account for each Suppliers contact card, as SoloAssist will need this for sending supplier Expense Invoices to Xero.

Create a Tracking Category called Job # in Xero and populate with your Job Numbers / Names, so you can send your Job expense Invoices to them from SoloAssist. Make the Job # the same in Xero as SoloAssist.

After you have set up all your Supplier Contact Cards in Xero, you can then import them into SoloAssist by using the Supplier Settings window in SoloAssist.


Xero Connection problem?

Step 1
Check your Xero Connection 'Login' details are correct, then press the connect button. If the SoloAssist connection shows as Xero Connection Failed, then go to step 2.

Step 2
Check your Internet is connected and active.

Step 3
Turn off and unplug your modem for 10+ seconds, then turn it back on.

Step 4
Reboot your computer by turning it off for 10 seconds, then turn it back on.

Step 5
Try turning off the Anti-Virus Firewall Protection so it's not blocking the SoloAssist to Xero communication. Then Reboot the computer and make sure the Firewall is disabled then re-open SoloAssist and try again.

Step 6
The Xero server might be down for maintenance. This would be very rare and highly unlikely, and not a common issue.

Click below to check the Xero Status page:


If you require assistance, please contact your local IT technician.

Suppliers and Expense Invoice windows are opening slow?

The Suppliers contact details and Cost Control Purchase Invoices may open slower than other windows in SoloAssist. This is due to them extracting information from Xero that is being used in the Suppliers contact details and Expense Invoices.

Development Roadmap