Progress Summary
The Progress Summary is used for Lump Sum (% Complete) and Cost Plus contract claim methods. It collates a report of the current Cost Control budgets, % complete of works, expense invoices, employee labour, then applies the business markups to calculate a claim amount payable.
The Progress Summary reports are typically accompanied by a sales invoices to your client for the same claim amount payable.
Adds a new Claim Group to the Progress Summary. Claim Groups are built-up of allocated Cost Centre budgets. A single left click on the Claim Group heading allows you to edit its name, and a double-click will open and close it.
Deletes the selected Claim Group from the Progress Summary. Once deleted, it cannot be undone.
Opens all the Claim Groups to see their allocated Cost Centres from Cost Control.
Closes all the Claim Groups so their allocated Cost Centres are not showing.
This only shows when a Cost Plus claim method is selected. It toggles between showing the Claim Groups with their Cost Centres and showing Invoices that have been allocated against each Cost Centre budget in Cost Control. It will only show the Invoices and total amount between the From and To dates selected.
This only shows when a Cost Plus claim method is selected. It toggles between Show Claim Groups with their allocated Cost Centres and Show Invoices that have been allocated against each Cost Centre budget in Cost Control.
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Payment Claims
Claim Methods
Lump Sum
Lump Sum (% Complete)
A Lump Sum claim method is used for claiming a % Complete of works. Typically this is an agreed day of the month or fortnight over the duration of the project. This is commonly used in Architectural & Commercial contracts or where the works cash flow is too complicated to claim with fixed prices in fixed claim stages where a standard contract claim method will not work.
You will need to enter a % Complete of works for each contributing Cost Centre in Cost Control. This will carry over into the Progress Summary providing you with a report of the current claim amount payable based on the % complete of works. The report will show and deduct the received payments that you have entered into the Sales Invoices you have added into the Progress Payment Stages.
Cost Plus
Cost Plus
The Cost Plus claim method is used to claim the cost of the job works by totalling the current expense invoices then adding on your business overheads and management fee (profit markup). After entering your expense invoices to their Cost Centres in Cost Control, you can then open the Progress Summary and select the Cost Plus claim method to produce a Progress Summary report of the claim amount payable.
Note: The Claim Groups Total % Complete on the Progress Summary report, is an average calculated from adding up all the contributing Cost Centre percentages, then dividing it by the number of contributing Cost Centres to calculate the current average overall Progress Summary % Complete.
Totals Explained
Note: Always setup, raise and apply all payments as you go to prevent incorrect calculations.
2) When selecting the Cost Plus claim method, the From date will always default back to the first Expense Invoice entered for the job in Cost Control.
3) When hovering your mouse cursor over the main total amounts shown in Bold, it will show you its SUM = Calculation.
This amount only shows if the From date selected is after the job Start date.
Insurance Claims
The Business Insurances combined allowance is setup to claim in your first (1st) Claim Amount Payable. If your job costs overrun the original estimated total allowance, then SoloAssist will apply the combined business Insurances percent (%) to the overrun amount ensuring you are claiming the extra business insurance in the Claim Amount Payable to cover the extra work costs.
What are Non Job Invoices?
The Non Job Invoices Cost Centre, is for Expense Invoices that have been added to the job, but you do not want to claim them in the Progress Summary claim amount report. Typically, these are general business expenses that you allocate against a job to write it off. E.g: Electrical Leads Tagging, Tool Sharpening, Building Fee Fines, etc.
In Progress Summary, Non Job Invoices should be left Unallocated to a Claim Group. It should stay in the right-hand side Unallocated Cost Centres box.
What are Unallocated Cost Centres?
In Progress Summary, Unallocated Cost Centres are Cost Centre budgets that you do not want to claim in your Progress Summary claim amount reports. Commonly this holds the Non Job Invoices Cost Centre, and Variations that are being claim directly in fixed price payment stages.
How do I...
Setup Progress Summary Claim Groups?
Apply Lump Sum Contract Deductions?
Add a new Variation, then add your item into the Variation with a negative value amount. Then allocate it to the original Cost Centre budget it was allocated to. It will then be deducted from it. The adjustment will show in your Cost Control ► Cost Centre with its Expense Invoices and in 'Edit Cost Centre', where you enter the '% Complete' for your Progress Summary claim amount report.
Add a Variation?
Cost Plus claim amount payable isn't balancing correctly?
Try the following to resolve the issue:
Lump Sum claim amount payable isn't balancing correctly?
In the event, you have manually adjusted the Contract Total in the Contract Total Lock window, and you're using a Lump Sum % Complete claim method. Then you will need to adjust a Cost Centre in Cost Control to the same difference of the Contract Total adjustment. This will re-balance the claim amount payable.
The adjusted balance difference will be showing at the bottom of the Cost Schedule just above the Contract Total as a profit in Green or a loss in - Red.
How is the Progress Summary claim groups total % complete calculated?
The Claim Groups total % Complete on the Progress Summary report is an average calculated from adding up all the contributing Cost Centre percentages, then dividing them by the number of contributing Cost Centres to calculate the current overall Progress Summary % Complete average.
What are Non Job Invoices and why leave it in the Unallocated Cost Centres holding box?
Non Job Invoices gets used for typical business costs that you want to be allocated against a job. It is important not to allocate this to a Claim Group unless you want the client to pay for these general business expenses.
Lump Sum (% Complete) claim method adjustment
In the event, you are claiming a Lump Sum (% Complete) claim method, and have manually adjusted the Contract Total in the Contract Total Lock window, then Locked it. Then you will need to manually adjust a Cost Centre in Cost Control the same difference, to balance the claim amounts.
Remember you can add a new Cost Centre for the adjustment amount if required.