What's New


SoloAssist contact numbers

After 17 years of having the same phone numbers, SoloAssist has replaced all phone numbers due to a high volume of random telemarketer calls, texts, and blank hang-up calls. Please use the SoloAssist contact page selections for all user requests and sales enquires.

Thank you for your understanding.

Current Issues

MYOB Connection - Login 2FA validation not working




Software Version

The MYOB Connection Online Login 2FA validation is not working correctly making you unable to connect SoloAssist to MYOB. This seems to be causing the SoloAssist MYOB Connection window to not reset correctly until closing then reopening SoloAssist. This seemed to be caused from a MYOB update approx 2 weeks ago from a customer report.

We recommend changing your accounting system to Xero Accounting. It's far more robust and easier to use. We have always found the MYOB Team and MYOB's API connection difficult to work with. So we have now decided to not pursue fixing the MYOB connection and therefore dropping MYOB as a future SoloAssist connection. Try Xero Accounting.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Progress Report


Software Version

Software version features and time frames of release may change, so check back for updates.

Your software version number is found in your SoloAssistHome (menu) ► About.

v2.5.0.0 - 12/07/2024 - Latest


1) General software improvements and bug fixes.

2) Payment Stages now display the amount separately within each payment stage row and on the payment stage print report.

v2.4.0.1 - 21/05/2024


This SoloAssist version will have a one-time window that asks you to install. Please select Install in the popup window to update and reopen SoloAssist.

1) General software improvements and bug fixes.

2) The SoloAssist software code signing certificate has been updated.

v2.3.9.0 - 19/02/2024


1) The MYOB Connection (AccountRight Online) was not working correctly. This is now resolved.

v2.3.8.0 - 13/12/2023


1) In some instances after opening a job, a notifications window was displaying 'This job uses Live Pricing'. We have now removed this notification.

2) Variation item descriptions have been extended from 500 characters to 1800 characters, however we recommend not exceeding 31 rows of text.

v2.3.7.0 - 18/09/2023


1) General software improvements and bug fixes.

2) In Plans, when selecting Send to Quote the Start button now turns off and changes to Finished.

v2.3.6.0 - 8/08/2023


1) General software improvements and bug fixes.

v2.3.5.0 - 4/08/2023


1) General software improvements and bug fixes.

2) In Plans, we fixed an issue with sending a Length (Lm) item type quantity to Job Specifications.

v2.3.4.0 - 6/07/2023


1) An issue has been fixed with the SoloAssist job backups not working.

Check your job backups from your SoloAssist Home menu ► Options Backups Open

2) The SoloAssist Database Backups have been improved.

Check your database backups from your SoloAssist Home menu ► Options ► Databases ► Open

v2.3.1.0 - 24/04/2023


1) General software improvements and bug fixes.

v2.2.9.0 - 01/04/2023



1) Software improvements and bug fixes.

Cost Control

2) Cost Control and expense Invoices now auto corrects any incorrect Status displayed.


3) When sending an Area quantity to Job Specifications, it now sends square metres (m2) instead of its perimeter lineal metres (Lm).

v2.2.8.0 - 28/03/2023


This software update mainly fixes minor bug issues with the new features mentioned below.


1) Various changes and minor bug fixes have been applied throughout the SoloAssist application to stay compatible with the latest Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 O/S updates.

2) In some cases, the SoloAssist application was not opening correctly, but was displaying open in the Windows taskbar. This is now fixed.


3) When Plans is open but minimised, or hidden behind another application window, you can now display it again by selecting the Plans button in your toolbar.

Cost Control

4) Expense Invoice payments were displaying a 1 cent rounding issue. This is now fixed.

5) The Expense Invoice Status was displaying incorrectly . This is now fixed. To correct the existing expense invoice status, open and close each invoice to reset its status correct.

Price List

6) The Price List now has a Close button in its toolbar.


7) The print Preview now has a Close button in its toolbar.

v2.2.1.0 - 07/02/2023


This update is one of the last desktop application updates before we release our new web platform login later this year. All SoloAssist development resources are now allocated to building the new app. Our latest news will be posted on this page with screenshots to keep you updated and excited as we pass development milestones. So check back to stay updated.


1) Bug fixes.

2) Some new Windows 11 O/S devices have shown an issue in your SoloAssist Home OptionsChange button ► window, when displaying the devices directory correctly. This is now fixed.

3) In SoloAssist ► Home ► About ► Subscription, the Expiry Date now shows correctly when offline.


4) Various print layouts have been improved.

5) The print window now saves location.


6) When calibrating a Plan, the straight to free angle line button (/ ) now shows again on the right-hand side

7) You can now send a unit of lineal meters Lm from Plans to Job Specifications.

Roadmap 2025

Last Updated: 7/05/2024

Our roadmap may change throughout the year, so check back for updates.

The current SoloAssist Microsoft Windows desktop application will only continue with bug fix updates if required. SoloAssist will also undergo rebranding for the new internet browser app release which will be announced later this year.

New Web App

SoloAssist - Internet Browser Login

SoloAssist web browser login is in full-time software development. We anticipate a beta release late Q4 2024.

It includes the current features SoloAssist users love, plus added features. Needless to say, we aim to please.

SoloAssist is going global, with Language Pack, 2 Factor Authentication, User Permissions, Subscriptions, and more. All controlled by You internally.

It includes all the features you love about SoloAssist plus all the features you've been asking for!

  • Quoting
  • Estimating
  • Job Management
  • Plan Takeoff
  • Gantt Chart
  • Schedule / Calendar
  • Employee (portal)
  • Customer (portal)

Coming Features

Release Late Q4 2024

Job Leads

1) A job leads list will be added to your SoloAssist Home screen. It will interchange between the Jobs and Job Leads.

Timeline (Gantt Chart)

1) This is a series of 3 gantt charts enabling you to setup the original job time frame, edit the live job timeline in works, and workout job timeline projections.

It features the following:

Payment Stages, Stage Budget Amounts, Tasks, Task Dependencies, Milestones, Start & Finish Dates, Overall Job Duration, Cost Schedule Work Groups Integration, Non Workdays, and more.

Cost Schedule

1) Work Groups will be implemented with a duplicate feature.

Cost Control

1) A column will be added to view if you have attached a PDF file into your expense invoices or not.


1) Add an optional fixed amount to the percentage % Payment Stage claim amounts.

Progress Summary

1) The Lump Sum and Cost Plus claim methods will be updated.


1) A deselect all measured item feature will be implemented.

2) The print report will have a consolidated takeoff summary.

Print Options

1) An independent Cost Schedule tick box will be added to Show/Hide Business Markups.

Features moved to new app

Cost Control

1) Expense Invoice PDF file attachments can be added from emails directly using drag & drop.

2) Expense invoice PDF file attachments will be added to send to MYOB.

Purchase Orders

1) The purchase orders summary view will receive 2 new date columns to show the Order Date and Delivery Date.

Progress Payments

1) Sales Invoices will send to XERO or MYOB.

2) Each payment stage header row Claim Amount now displays the combined total for that stage. It's now inclusive of Variations, Prime Costs, and Provisional Sums adjustments.

3) Payment Stages and their Sales Invoices now carry forward an Unpaid Residual Amount into the next payment stage, if unpaid or unclaimed from the previous payment stage.

4) Payment Stages and their Sales Invoice now carry forward a Prime Cost or Provisional Sum (Adjustment) into the next payment stage, if unclaimed.

5) Corrected an issue where a Payment Stage Total with variations and or an unpaid residual amount was not calculating correctly. However, when raising a Sales Invoice it was as expected totalling correctly.