MYOB Connection

The MYOB connection is no longer supported by SoloAssist. We recommend changing to the Xero connection.

SoloAssist only supports MYOB online. Sorry, we no longer support MYOB desktop version.

Upgrade to MYOB AccountRight or AccountRight Plus. MYOB Essentials is not compatible.

SoloAssist works with MYOB My Library and Online only. It does not work with MYOB Network Libraries.

MYOB Online Setup

Setup MYOB file for online access
Clicking the link below will take you to the MYOB File for Online Access setup instructions.

MYOB Add-on Connector
After installing MYOB AccountRight and setting up your file access online, make sure the MYOB Add-on Connector is Running in your icon tray located lower right-hand corner of the screen.

On Your Computer: Click on the up arrow below to view the icon tray. You should then see:

() MYOB Add-on Connector: Running

Icon Tray

MYOB Connection

When connecting SoloAssist to MYOB, it will not automatically send the existing expense invoices from SoloAssist to MYOB. If you need them sent to MYOB you can either send them one by one in the expense invoice window or you can select the 'Send To' option in the toolbar and send them in a single bulk export.

MYOB Version
Select the MYOB version you want to connect to.

Connect to AccountRight Live Online
When Connecting to AccountRight Live Online you will need your MYOB Login email address and Password to sign in.

Company File
Select your Company File from the drop-down list.

User Name
Enter your Username. The MYOB default is Administrator if you haven't changed it.

Enter your Password. The MYOB default is an empty field, if you haven't changed it.

Click the Connect button to test your connection. If your connection is successful, a window will appear saying: () MYOB Connection Successful

Import Suppliers

Import from MYOB to SoloAssist
In the Suppliers view (Tab) in SoloAssist, click on the Settings button to open the Suppliers Settings. This is where you can import your Suppliers contact details from MYOB into SoloAssist. Each Supplier will need to be allocated to a Suppliers Group in SoloAssist.

Note: Your Supplier Contact Cards in MYOB must be set up as Suppliers to Export to SoloAssist. Also, make sure you have allocated an Expense Account for each supplier in MYOB before importing them into SoloAssist.

Learn more about Suppliers Settings

Expense Invoices (single)

Send Expense Invoices
from SoloAssist to MYOB
From Cost Control, you can enter your expense invoices against each jobs Cost Centre budget. In the Expense Invoice, it allows you to send the contents of the invoice directly to MYOB.

Learn more about Expense Invoices

Expense Invoices (multiple)

Send Multiple Invoice
from SoloAssist to MYOB
Go to the Cost Control and select the Send To option in the toolbar. This allows you to send multiple Invoices to MYOB in bulk. This option collates the expense invoices together that have been split between multiple Cost Centres. Make sure the Invoice #, Supplier Name, and Date Invoiced are the same to collate an invoice together to send to MYOB. It will give you options of sending Paid or Unpaid Invoices and show already sent Invoices. Note, unpaid invoices will always show in a red font until they are paid.

Expense Invoices (resend)

Resend Invoice
from SoloAssist to MYOB
You can only resend an invoice into MYOB from SoloAssist if the invoice has not yet had a payment applied against it in Myob. If the invoice has a payment applied against it, you will need to delete the payment of this invoice in MYOB before resending.

Sales Invoices

Send Sales Invoices from SoloAssist to MYOB
This feature is not yet available.
You will be able to send your Progress Payment claim Invoices directly to MYOB from SoloAssist as you raise them. It will also allow you to send payments received to Sales Invoices from SoloAssist. Once an Invoice has been paid in full and sent to MYOB, it then won't allowed any more adjustments to be sent. However, you can manually override this in MYOB, then go back into SoloAssist and mark the expense invoice as unsent, then resend the invoice.

Credit Note

Credit Note (CN)
Credit notes will need to be entered manually into MYOB. However, in SoloAssist you can enter a negative valued expense Invoice for a budget balance deduction / Credit Note.

Purchase Orders

Send Purchase Orders from SoloAssist to MYOB
This feature is not yet available.
This will allow you to send Purchase Orders to MYOB from SoloAssist as you raise them.

Employee Labour

This feature is not yet available.

This will allow the employee labour task information to be sent to MYOB.

User Tips

The green tick means the Invoice has been Sent to MYOB ().

The red cross means the Invoice has not been Sent to MYOB ().

You can change Sent to MYOB () to Unsent to MYOB () by a right click on Sent to MYOB () in the Edit Expense Invoice window in Cost Control.

Be sure to setup your Myob connection in SoloAssist, otherwise, you will not be able to use any of the Myob features in SoloAssist.

Make sure you allocate an Expense Account in each Suppliers Contact details, as SoloAssist will need this for sending Invoices to MYOB.

Always enter a Job # in SoloAssist and make sure its the same in MYOB, as SoloAssist needs this to send invoices into MYOB.

Job # Naming Tips

  • We recommend naming your Job # number from the site address.
  • Always use alphabetical characters first, then numbers. This helps with name searching.
  • Relate it to the job. This makes it easy to remember.
  • It needs to be unique for each job.
  • Keep it short, otherwise it won't fit into small field sizes.

After you have setup your Supplier Contact cards/details in MYOB, you can then import them into SoloAssist by using the Supplier Settings in SoloAssist.

When creating a new 'Job #' and 'Job Name' in MYOB, ensure its marked as 'Detail Job'.


MYOB connection problem?

Step 1
Check your Username and Password are correct. The MYOB Online Login and MYOB Company File access details are different. Check that nobody else has changed your access details. If the MYOB connection persists showing as unable to connect, then go to Step 2).

Step 2
Check your Internet is connected and active.

Step 3
Try turning off the Anti-Virus Firewall Protection so it's not blocking the SoloAssist to MYOB Online communication. Then Reboot the computer and make sure the Firewall is disabled then re-open SoloAssist and try again. If this does not work continue to Step 4.

Step 4
Turn off and unplug your modem for 10 seconds.

Step 5
Reboot your computer by turning it off for 10 seconds then turn it back on.

Step 6
The MYOB server might be down for maintenance, although this is very rare and would not be a common issue.

If you require assistance, please contact your local IT technician.

MYOB Live Online Company file not showing?

In the MYOB Connection window after selecting 'Connect to AccountRight Live Online', the MYOB Login browser window should appear to let you login. If it does not, try Step 3 above.

The Suppliers and Expense Invoice windows are opening slow?

The Suppliers contact details and Cost Control Expense Invoices may open slower than other windows in SoloAssist. This is due to them extracting information from MYOB or Xero that is being used in the Suppliers contact details and Expense Invoices.