Timber List


The Timber List is used to enter your timber items for the job. Each timber group has its own selection of timber types and sizes that can have specific suppliers allocated for each timber type groups rates. Timber items can be linked and auto-populated from Cost Schedule items, that have an Item setup with Link to Timber List.

Add Items
Timber items are added into your job by selecting an item Type, Size, and entering its Quantity.

Timber List Total
The total cost amount found in the bottom totals, transfers to the Timber Supply work group in the Cost Schedule. From the Cost Schedule, your business markups will be applied on the cost amount.

User Tip
Use our Plans on-screen takeoff, to measure your quantities and send them directly into each timber item.



This will save all changes to the current job open.

New Timber Group

Adds a new Timber Group to the Timber List. Timber Groups are built up of timber items for specific parts of the job. It's used for grouping materials together only with no labour component. You can allocate which Timber Types you want as a default selection in the drop-down list of the Items. If you can't find the required Timber Type, just select Add Timber Type and set it up.

Use each group status to track what's Not Included, Incomplete, or Completed.

Not Included



User Tips

  • When adding a new group, locate where it's added by selecting the group below where you want it added above.
  • Timber Groups can be re-ordered by drag and dropping them to a new location.
  • Use the (chevron) arrow to open and close a group or double click on its header or sub total row.

Delete Timber Group

Deletes the selected Timber Group/s in the Timber List. Once a Timber Group has been deleted, it cannot be undone.

Move a Timber Group

Use your mouse cursor to drag & drop a group up or down to a new location.

New Item

Adds a new Timber Item to the selected Timber Group. This Item, you will need to edit it, to set it up.

Item Status

There are 3 types of item status.

= Not Included

= Not Included / Item on Standby

= Included

Interchange Item on Standby and Included by clicking the status icon.

Learn more

Delete Item

Deletes the selected Timber Item/s from the Timber Group. Once deleted, it cannot be undone.

Move Items

Use your mouse cursor to drag & drop Timber Items up or down within its Group.

Price List

Opens the Price List for updating prices, adding or editing items, and setting up suppliers price lists. It also opens the Live Pricing to import price files from your suppliers manually or directly using the 24/7 Live Pricing supplier connection.

Learn more


This opens the plans on-screen takeoff measuring tool. It enables you to add job plans, calibrate plans to scale, measure quantities, and send the quantities into your quote. Your quantities can be sent simultaneously to multiple locations in the Cost Schedule, Timber List or Job Specifications. We recommend to setup with duel 27“+ screens to optimise the plans visual area, and increase your quoting efficiency.

Measure: Areas, Vertical Areas, Roof Areas, Lengths, Lengths (with heights), Counts, Counts (with lengths) and Volumes.

Learn more


Opens the default calculator on your computer for quick manual calculations.

Timber List Settings

This allows you to allocate Price List Supplier Rates for each Timber Type. Double-clicking a timber item in the list will open the Price List for you to view or edit. This is a quick way to add new timber items or update existing Item prices on the run.

Help Centre

This opens the SoloAssist Help Centre to the topic you are currently in.

Show Contributing Items Only

This allows you to view only items that have been added into the quote/job. All other Items unused will be hidden.

Price List
The Price List Timber Items can be linked directly to your Timber List items. Allocate your preferred supplier for each Timber Type in the Timber List Settings.

Cost Schedule
Cost Schedule items can be set up linked to Timber List items. They will automatically add a Timber groups item Type, Size and QTY. This is typically used for items that you want to automate adding the Labour separately by also adding the Timber items to the Timber List supply.

Use Plans on-screen takeoff, to measure your quantities and send them directly into your quote as you go.

Purchase Orders
Timber List groups and items can be used to populate purchase orders and quote requests.

How do I...

Add a timber Item?

Step 1
In the Timber List, select a group.

If the timber group you are wanting doesn't exist yet, then select New Group from the toolbar, and name the group.

Step 2
Select an item in the group, then select its Type, and Size, and enter its Quantity. If the item doesn't exist yet in the group, then select New Item from the toolbar.

You can enter multiple quantities as: 30, 68, 127,


8@3.6, 23@4.5, 4@5.4

You can use a forward slash '/ ' or '@' symbol to separate your quantity values when used in a multiplication format, as shown above.

User Tips
  • You can drag & drop items up or down the Timber Group to reorder them, if required.
  • If your group and item is a wall frame, scroll down the group and you'll see it's Wall Frame Components list. It calculates each components quantity and price. Ensure you enter the wall lintel and junction studs.

To learn more about different item setups, see the Timber List Item page.

Add a new Timber Group?

To add a new Timber Group, follow the steps below.

Step 1
With a single left click, select an existing Timber List Group heading (shown in yellow) of where you would like the new Timber Group to be placed above it.

Step 2
Click New Timber Group () in the Timber List toolbar. Then enter the new Group name into the New Group window, then allocate the Timber Types you want as a selection in the new timber group. Then click OK.

User Tip 1

Selections to be allocated to a new or existing group can be added too from the SoloAssist Price List. When adding to the allocation of Timber Types ensure you add the new Timber Type into the Timber Category otherwise it will not show as a selection from the Price List.

User Tip 2

After the new Group has been added to the Timber List view, you can drag & drop it up or down to a different location if required.

Step 3
Once the new group has been added with its 'Allocated Timber Type' selections, you can now add items into the group from the Timber List toolbar by selecting New Item (). Additionally, you can link Cost Schedule Items to the Timber Group, by selecting the Item Setup as a Timber List Link.

Allocate Timber Types to Timber Groups?

Select the Timber Group heading your wanting to add a Timber Type selection to. Then select Edit Group () from the toolbar, or right-click on group heading row and select Edit Group from the popup menu. Then tick each Timber Type you want allocated to show as a selection for that group.

User Tip

If you cannot find the Timber Type you need, then click () Add Timber Type. This will open the Price List for you to enter the new Group name into the Timber Category of the Price List. You will then need to add your Item into the Group with its Descriptions and Rates.

To learn more, see How do I… Add a new Timber Type to a Group?

Add a new Timber Type or Size to a Group?

If you've opened the Group setup and the Timber Type is not showing as a selection to allocate to the group. Then follow the steps below to add the new Timber Type selection.

Step 1
Go to the Price List and search for the Timber Type required. In the Price List, go to the Category field and select Timber. Make sure the Timber Type doesn't already exist before adding the new Timber Type.

Step 2
If the Timber Type does not exist in the SoloAssist Price List. Then select New Group () from the Price List toolbar. When entering the new Timber Type name, ensure the Category name is selected as Timber. Then click OK.

Step 3
Now you need to add your Timber items into the new Timber Group. Click onto the Timber Group name, then select New Item () and enter the new Timber Description, Size, Rate, and Unit. Repeat this process to add multiple new timber types and items.

User Tip

Ensure your Price List supplier name is correct before entering any rates.

Step 4
Go back into the Timber List and open the Timber Group heading to allocate the new Timber Type which will include all its Sizes automatically. Then click OK.

Change the Rate of an Item?

To change the Rate of a Timber Item, follow the steps below.

Step 1
Double click on the Rate field of the Item your wanting to edit. This will open the Timber List Settings with the item pre-selected.

Step 2
In Timber List Settings, check the Price List Supplier name allocated to the Timber Types group (remember this supplier name). Then double click on the Item your wanting to edit. This will open the Price List with the item pre-selected ready to edit.

Step 3
In the Price List, ensure it has the same supplier name selected. Then edit the item SKU Code, Description, or Rate. After editing the item, close the Price List by selecting the red X. It will auto save your changes.


Pricing not updating

If your Contract Total is locked, then your pricing for that job will not update, and the Update Pricing button next to the Contract Total display will be disabled. However, if your Contract Total is unlocked, select the Update Pricing button next to the Contract Total display to update the job pricing to your latest Price List changes.

Timber Rate not showing?

Try the following steps to help troubleshoot showing a Rate for a Timber Item.

Step 1
Make sure you have a Timber Type & Size selected for the Timber Item and check the Price List has a rate entered for it.

Step 2
If the Item is a Wall Frame, you will need to scroll down to the Wall Frame List to where it prices the wall components. e.g. Studs, Top Plate, Bottom Plate, Ribbon Plate, Nogging, etc.

Step 3
If the item is linked to from a Cost Schedule item, then the Cost Schedule item may not have its Timber item selected correctly. If it's a linked item from the Cost Schedule it will say after its name in the Timber List. If it is, then double-click on the Timber item name and it will open the Cost Schedule item for you to correct its Timber item selection.

Step 4
Step 4.1

Double-click on the empty Rate field of the Timber Item to open the Timber List Settings. Check the correct Supplier is allocated for the Timber Type Group. Also, try selecting a different supplier just in case you originally entered the Rate in with the wrong suppliers name selected. If a Rate is still not showing, go to b).

Step 4.2

Double-click on the item in the Timber List Settings to open it in the Price List. The Price List should now be open with the item pre-selected ready for you to enter its Rate. Ensure the Price List Supplier is correct before entering any Rates.

Step 4.3

Close the Price List. Now a rate should be showing for the item in the Timber List Settings. Click OK to close the Timber List Settings. The Timber List item should now be showing a Rate.

Timber Type or Size not found?

Step 1
Check the Price List has the Timber Group Item type and size you require? If it does, then all you need to do is allocate the Timber Type to your Timber Group in the Timber Group set up.

Step 2
In the event, you cannot find the Timber Type or Size in the Price List, then you will need to add it into the Price List.

See How do I… Add a new Timber Type or Size?