Purchase Orders


The Order window is used for Purchase Orders, Work Order and Quote Requests. All orders raised will be added to the Purchase Orders view. If you have set up your supplier contact details in the Supplier view, then their trade specific supplier group Terms & Conditions will appear on the orders automatically.

New | Edit Order

Order Type
Select from the drop-down list the required order type. Purchase Order, Work Order or Quote Request.

Purchase Order

A Purchase Order (PO) is used for ordering materials only.

Work Order

A Work Order is used for direction of works carried out by an employee or sub-contractor which includes labour and or materials.

Quote Request

A Quote Request is used for sending a list of items to a supplier or sub-contractor you want quoted for the job. It can be used for any items both labour and materials.

Order #
This is a reference of the Order Type and the number of each raised to date. Each Order Type counts sequentially up from 1.

PO1 = Purchase Order 1, 2, 3, etc.

WO1 = Work Order 1, 2, 3, etc.

QR1 = Quote Request 1, 2, 3, etc.

Add From Quote

Opens the Add From Quote window so you can select from the existing Items in your quote to add to the order.

Learn more

() Add From Quote

In the Add From Quote window, select any of the previously quoted items from the Cost Schedule, Timber List, Job Specifications or Cost Control allowed to add to the order. Just select which tab view then select the items required for the order, ensure to select at the top between Materials Only, Labour Only or Both for what is required for the Purchase Order, Work Order or Quote Request.

Materials Only
Labour Only

Selecting Material Only or Labour Only helps ensure you don't accidentally add Labour into a Material (Only) Purchase Order or add Materials into a Labour (Only) Work Order. Selecting Both, will add both Materials and Labour of the selected item into the order if available.

Include Sub Headings

This option adds the sub group heading of the item in your quote into the order.

New Item

Enables you to add new items into the order that don't already exist in the quote.

Edit Item

Enables you to view and edit the selected item in the order.

Delete Item

Deletes the selected Item in the order. Once deleted, it cannot be undone.

Print Order

Opens the selected order to print. Make sure you have filled in all the order details before you preview, print or save to PDF.

Send To

Allows you to send orders directly to your supplier. This option is only available to users whom their supplier/s are integrated with SoloAssist. Suppliers connected to SoloAssist are shown in the Live Pricing Settings. If your supplier isn't listed their, ask your supplier/s to get connected, as this automation feature saves you and them lots of time processing price list updates and orders.

Help Centre

This opens the SoloAssist Help Centre to the topic you are currently in.

Order Details & Options

Order Name
Enter a name for the order so it can be identified quickly and easily.

This is the supplier of the items being ordered.

This is the suppliers contact email of the items being ordered.

This is the suppliers contact phone number of the items being ordered.

Order Date
The Order Date is when the items were ordered from the supplier.

Order Note
The Order Note is used for additional direction requested on the items being ordered and or the delivery.

Tick Box Options

Terms & Conditions

This applies the Terms & Conditions of the selected Supplier group to the order. Double-clicking on the blue magnifying glass opens the Terms & Conditions to view or edit.

Print Separate Orders

This will separate items in the order into Cost Centre allocation orders. This will help with Cost Control tracking when receiving and entering the supplier expense invoices.

Show Pricing

This will show either the pricing that has been used in the quote for the items or it will show the cost of the items based on the selected supplier. If you have set up the supplier in the Price List and entered Rates for these items, then they will override the pricing from the quoted items in the order.