Cost Schedule

The following Link Reports should all be showing empty if all your Cost Schedule Items are setup correctly. These reports are a good double check to ensure you don't miss item costs accidentally. Ensure the Show Broken Links Only tick box is selected.

SoloAssist has also built-in many other auto item checks to ensure your success.

Auto QTY Equations
If any Cost Schedule Items have broken Auto QTY equations, they will show in this report. Double-click on each item in the list to open it, then fix its Auto QTY equation so its calculating correctly. Then click OK.

Cost Centre Links
If any Cost Schedule Items have broken Centre Centre Links, they will show in this report. Double-click on each item in the list to open it, then select the correct Cost Centre for the Material Cost and or Labour Cost. Then click OK.

Price List Links
If any Cost Schedule Items have broken Price List Item Links, they will show in this report. Double-click on each one to open it, then re-link the Cost Schedule Item to the correct Price List item required. Then click OK.

Preferred Supplier Setup

(in Price List Links)

Deselect Show Broken Links Only then select your preferred supplier from the drop-down list, then press Apply. This will auto setup the Cost Schedule Items with the supplier name and rates of all matching items from this supplier in the SoloAssist Price List.


The more suppliers pricing you setup in the SoloAssist Price List, the easier your future will be to maintain pricing updates.

User Tip

Ensure to enter your suppliers item codes with their rates. This helps automate your Price List from Live Pricing suppliers and activates other pricing features.

Timber List Links
If any Cost Schedule Items have broken Timber List Item Links, they will show in this report. Double-click on each Item in the list to open it, then re-link the Cost Schedule Item to the correct Timber Item required. Then click OK.